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I've been accused of not being able to clap on beat, and apparently my hands have set a bad example for my heart, because it is still slacking sometimes. I've been adding in some extra down time...
Every time I see the number eighty, I think of a friend of mine from high school who, long after graduation, would still sign his name and then add #80 afterwards, because that had been the number on...
I'm fighting off discouragement, because my body has kind of gone on strike for a bit. My brain's saying, "I want a break, too!" I knew this was coming. I've been running on adrenaline far too...
My energy levels have been in a lull lately. Instead of getting discouraged, I'm trying to utilize this season of added rest to listen to more audiobooks. "The Last Bookshop in London" by...
Today is my day off. Yipee! What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer? I most likely did Day 77 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through LA Writer's Lab (this post is...
My Home Economics teacher in middle school, Mrs. Manley (who we referred to as Mrs. Womanly when she wasn't looking), was also in charge of instilling "study skills" in each student. One lesson...